The bottom leaves on my haworthia are taking on a yellow/rusty discolouration. I’m wondering if this looks like rust fungus and whether there is any way to save the plant. Thanks for any advice!
What's the humidity like / watering regime? I see there are a few other threads about this topic online, I didn't see any conclusive answers...
Thanks for the response! It’s dry indoors with forced air heating and indoor humidity levels around 30 percent through the winter. I usually water the surface of the soil once every 2 weeks after checking the top 2 inches are dry, and pour just enough water to leave a brief wet layer on the soil surface. The plant was sitting lower in its pot for several months until I lifted it up and added more soil so I wonder if the bottom leaves were cramped and maybe experienced stress from that or sat with higher humidity because of decreased air circulation.
Could this condition be a reaction to bright sunlight? How long ago did you notice the discoloration, and has there been any coincident change in light intensity?
That’s a thought, the lower leaves may have been more shaded when they were more cramped in the pot and now they are higher in the pot they are suddenly seeing more light. Otherwise the only change light exposure has been as the days are naturally getting longer. I think I saw faint colour change on one leaf a couple months ago but I only noticed how much worse it was in the past week.