Not sure if they are the same or different species. They show up in colors from pink to very dark burgundy. The slugs like them. A lot.
@Nik, this is not botanical, but my wife wants to know if you also have fairies and pixies ? A magical garden surely must !!!
Lol! Sure, plenty of fireflies this time of year. It does look magical when they are out in full force.. There are also raccoons, opossums and foxes... not so magical. Thanks, D!
They are very beautiful! And yes fungivorous slugs will travel past other kinds of mushrooms to reach Russulas :-) A number of red Russula species have a colour range from pink to purple, and in some cases green as well, so it is possible that they are all one species, especially if near each other. - Some features that narrow down possibilities: taste (acrid, pepper or mild), non-pink stipe, white-not-yellow gills, and whether it is on soil or very rotted wood.