Food Garden: Rubus idaeus 'Tulameen'

Discussion in 'Photographs' started by Daniel Mosquin, Jul 6, 2004.

  1. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    UBC Accession #35931-5433-2001
    Photos by Daniel Mosquin
    July 5, 2004
    (Canon 300D)

    Attached Files:

  2. agromil1

    agromil1 Member

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    Serbia & Montenegro
    " Agromil " doo is agriculturaly company . We want to buy Rubus Idaeus Tulamen and we want to now the caracteristic of this sort of raspberry : how we plant tulamen , temperatures resistant ...

    Best regards ,

    Dragomir Milic

    Agromil doo - Serbia & Montenegro
  3. mr.shep

    mr.shep Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    San Joaquin Valley, California
    Hello Dragomir:

    Sorry about the delay to write this to you.

    I can tell you that I will be growing this Raspberry
    next year. I am in the process of arranging to make
    an order from a Washington nursery to buy canes
    for me to grow as well as purchase some canes for
    a greenhouse grower I know very well. She grows
    specialty lettuce and herbs for fresh market and wants
    to try growing this Raspberry as a companion plant
    for her commercial enterprise.

    I think you probably will want to start off growing
    this Raspberry in a greenhouse due to your climate
    and then plant outdoors when the frosts have passed.
    I am not sure as to how hardy this Raspberry is at
    this time but I will learn as I plan to grow my plants
    in the ground from dormant canes on. What I want
    to know is how this Raspberry compares to Heritage
    and Canby in the quality of the berry and how well
    the plants hold up after being in the ground for a few

    In my reading up on this Raspberry I believe it to
    be quite promising, one of the best introductions
    in a long while. The large sized berry combined
    with the excellent flavor, the firmness and shelf
    life of the berry in the stores may make this
    Raspberry a favorite for growers and consumers
    alike the world over. What I find novel is that
    this Raspberry can be grown in containers either
    grown strictly in a greenhouse or grown in containers
    outdoors. Growing a commercial Raspberry on in
    a container is almost unheard of. We will have to
    wait and see what the yields are like grown indoors,
    outdoors in containers or started off in a greenhouse
    and then transplanted into the ground like we normally
    plant and grow our Tomatoes. Planting 18 inch long
    canes should mean that we have a very good chance
    of producing some fruit in the first year. I am looking
    forward to growing this Raspberry. I’ve grown several
    varieties of Raspberries and Brambles in the past.

    Below is a source in England for you to buy this
    Raspberry from. You may want to contact them
    and inquire as to how they are growing this

    Below are three URLs that may be of further interest to you.

    I would think there will be more information posted in this
    thread on this Raspberry as time progresses.

    Best regards,

  4. wow

    goreous picture--it's sooo detailed --i can't believe you could actually take pictures like that--it is sooo vivid and clear and very very awing to look at
  5. Wes North Van

    Wes North Van Active Member 10 Years

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    North Vancouver BC Canada
    I just bought some at Rona in North Vancouver for $4.98 each. They are two feet tall and have berries on them right now.
  6. I wanna know

    I wanna know Active Member

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    Southeastern Wi. USA
    Does Rona have a website?
  7. ozroamer

    ozroamer Member

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    Dear Mr. Milic,

    I would like to speak to you or email would be fine - could you possible contact me - David Sanders email: Thankyou I look forward to hearing from you.

    Thankyou David Sanders

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