I have a plum tree that has produced many fruit this year. Plum cultivar unknown but the tree came from a nursery: about 8 feet tall, flowers white, the roundish fruit with an apex on the bottom ripens from yellow to purple. 8 year old tree Leaf shape starts out as a yellow fruit rot in plum fruit Unfortunately 1/3 of the fruit have rot which is (I think) a fungus. See photo in this post. What caused this fungus??? The only thing different was the high temperatures up to 41 C in June. Why? ,well all the plums ripening now are fine with no rot
Hi Tony - I see no one who might be able to help you has had a chance yet to reply so I'm sending this to keep your request on the front burner.
I've seen a similar problem (though the rotted portion is all dark brown) that affects only the Beauty variety of the five grafts on the plum tree. Since it has so far only affected a small portion of that one variety, which bears more fruit than I need, I haven't pursued a cure. However, I've never seen this problem before; so I suspect that it has something to do with the unusually high temperatures that we experienced recently. I only noticed it after that heat wave. My Beauty plums look a lot like the ones in your photos.