I have a several rose plants that are blooming, however the buds have brown edges. The brown edges appear on the petals as soon as the petals are visible, even in their closed tightly form no bigger than your little finger. Does anyone know what is happening and how to cure it????
Hello, It sounds like your buds have been affected by the weather. Balling is a condition in which the buds develop normally, however the buds do not open and the petal edges turn brown. This can be caused by extremely wet weather, high humidity, or if the plant is being watered too frequently (overhead). Also, if the plant is in shaded area, not receiving the drying sunlight, it may be a problem. If you are watering overhead, then you have some control over the problem. If not, it is a matter of time. Wait for the humidity to lower or the rain to stop. Your plant will begin to bloom normally. Raakel
thank you so much for your response. The buds do fully open with all petels having brown edges. Watering might be the problem, along with rain.