hi, I bought a red button rose plant a couple of years back through online.It was growing really nice and blooming in the container. Since it was really big we thought of planting it on the ground and did the same. The growth of the plant was unimaginable.Last year the plant had atleast 75-100 buds. They were becoming bigger day by day.I was eagerly waiting to see my beautiful red roses. But Unfortunately none of them bloomed. The buds were not opening at all.Instead they were dying. I couldn't digest it all. I do water everyday and fertilized it as required. But none of them worked. This year also the plant looks very good and it has got 100's of buds. The sad part is it is not blooming instead the buds are balling and dying.Please help me and my rose plant to bloom. I really want my plant to be filled with red roses. Cause I gifted the plant to my husband for valentines day. I feel like the growth shows the love I have for him.
There are a number of reasons for rose buds to fail. 1. Has it been raining much lately? If so, some variety of roses have flowers that are very prone to "balling". The outer petals soften and encase the remainder of the buds so that they fail to open. Eventually, they rot and fall off. 2. Rose midge is another reason for poor bloom production, but they usually only attack very young emerging buds or tips of canes. 3. What is the health of the rest of the rose like? Are the leaves still healthy? If not, you are probably looking at a more systemic disease, and a description of the appearance of the rest of the plant, and the sequence of observed signs/symptoms may give some clues. 4. Was there a late frost or freezing weather after the buds have formed? A late frost or freeze can easily wipe out the all the early season flower buds.