I have several beautiful roses bushes that usually bloom there heads off . Even last year after Katrina and nine feet of water they bloomed. This year I had to cut thme way back beacasue of work on my house. The bushes have growm back great but no Roses. I have feed them with rose food ,what else can I do.
Treat them with some of that most precious commodity . . . "time". They need some more of it to help them grow back better from being cut.
It has been five months since I cut my bushes back and the bushes are as big as they were before I trimmed them but still very few Roses so now what guys ?
Is it possible that, if your roses had been grafted, you cut below the graft? Would have thought though that you would get flowers from the root stock. Do the leaves look the same as they did last year? Margaret
How would I know if they were grafted they were here when I bought my house 3 yrs ago. Yes the leaves look the same the bushes look very healthy to me.
Roses that flower on second year wood will not flower much, if at all the same year they have been pruned down low and hard.
I will add to Ron's comment and pose the question - what types of roses are they? You may not get much out of most shrub and climbing roses in the first year after severe pruning. However, you should expect some blooms with most hybrid teas and English roses. Another reason for paucity of blooms is rose midge. This tiny insects scrap young growths at the growing tips of roses. They favour young developing rose buds. The first sign that something is wrong is the lack of blooms on otherwise perfectly healthy rose bushes. If you examine the tips of the rose canes carefully, you may find a tiny black scar where the tips of the canes or the very young rose buds should be.
Rose midge currently showing its effects around here, with tips of some new shoots bendind over and shriveling, as though pinched off or torched.