A dozen Shirofugens strew petals over the tombstones at Mountainview Cemetery, north side of E 41, west of Fraser, on May 6, 2008.
Two ungrafted Shirofugens on E 30, east of Walden, show their blossoms turning from white to pink and leaves from coppery red to green on May 9, 2008.
An Ukon/Kanzan combo on Ontario at 19th. All these trees are almost finished - the Ukons have red centres now, and there's a bit of green in the petals on just a few of the flowers on the ground.
Re: Riley Park - 2009 POSTINGS START HERE First posting in 2009 Okay, this is my inaugural post. Here's a young tree at 26th and Main on the west side of Main street. It gets south-facing light against a white wall. You'll have to tell me which variety it is. Cheers! Lori
Way to go, beespeaker! Thanks for jumping in there. That looks like a wee Whitcomb. I can't tell from the photo if it's grafted. And I can't imagine what they think is going to happen to it in that little box. It may be better to take photos at the highest resolution you can and post those - the system will reduce the resolution but will keep a larger screen size for what you see when you click on the photos.
These trees are between Prince Edward and Sophia on 18th. I think they are Accolades. I'll have to go back to take close-ups of the blossoms.
Two Accolades on E. 30, one on each side of the street, between Sophia and John. The one on the north side is in full bloom, ahead of the southerner just opening on April 7, 2009.
This Pendula Rosea in a yard at the northwest corner of John Street and E.28 has a convenient bench for viewing. It is in bloom on April 7, 2009; another young cherry next to the sidewalk, perhaps an Akebono, is just budding.
The block of E. 27 Avenue, west of Fraser to St. George, has Sargent cherries on both sides. There are large mature trees, along with several sickly-looking specimens. Several trees are in full bloom on April 11, 2009 and dropping blossoms. Two Spires are also present on the south side of E. 27 and are posted separately.
Queen Elizabeth Park Southern on April 14 Near parking area close to 33rd Ave Great Somei-Yoshino is nearly full bloom now. It's almost same time as last year. I think this Somei-Yoshino is the most wonderful shaped Cherry tree in Vancouver. Akebonos in the same area are still 10 to 30 % bloom. (They might be a little slower than last year.) Parking near Green House Young Somei-Yoshinos?! I found young cherry trees which look like Somei-Yoshino at the parking. They are not grafted. They don't have abundant flowers. But now they are half bloom. There are 2 Somei-Yoshinos near way in and way out of the parking. They are about 10 % bloom today. They are behind because they locate at the higher place than the Great Somei-Yoshino.
Umineko - Riley Park, St George, 30th-31st Prunus 'Umineko' (P. incisa x P. speciosa) trees line both sides of a few streets in the Riley Park neighbourhood. St George south of 30th is pretty impressive with these big trees with all their branches reaching out and upwards.
Today (April 15) I went QE park again with my friend this time. Akebonos have changed a lot. Today they are 30 to 60 % open. Sargent cherry is also blooming. The real flowers have darker pink color than my photos. (I took pictures yesterday,too. Still I can't take the color that I saw.) 4 Umineko near the pond are full bloom now. In my memory all Uminekos there have a upright figures, but this year I felt branches of the left side one curled down a little more. It might happened because of heavy snow in this winter or in my imagination. There are more cherres there. Beni-shidare & small Yae-beni-shidares have just started blooming now.
It's like all the Uminekos in the city are in the Riley Park neighbourhood. I think I've already said that tonight, when I posted the favourite on St George at 30th. These are on Sophia south of 20th, a full block of them (first pair of photos) with some Spires added in for who knows what reason. They provide a buffer so that disease doesn't spread? Looking north on Sophia from 20th, there are two nice Accolades on that block, in bloom at the same time this year as the Uminekos.
Mikuruma-gaeshi - Riley Park, 37th and Alberta Festival favourite Mikuruma-gaeshi in bloom April 21, 2009 on the south side of W. 37, west of Elizabeth.
Re: Mikuruma-gaeshi - Riley Park, 37th and Alberta Here's the map for the Festival Favourite Mikuruma-gaeshi.
Queen Elizabeth Park continues to reveal its cherry pockets. At the south side of the park, on W. 37 at about Alberta, three very young Shirotae are still blooming, right across the street from the Mikuruma-gaeshis and the neighbourhood Kanzans.
Re: Scout Favourites The dozen Shirofugens (with some Kanzan help) watch over the living and the dead at Mountainview Cemetery, E. 41 and Prince Edward,on May 2, 2009.
May 6, 2009 Today I went to Queen Elizabeth Park to check Joseph's cherry tree. But I found 6 cherry trees look like Pink Perfection at Dog Off-Leash Area near 37th & Columbia St. They are different from Kanzans around there. left:Kanzan right:Pink Perfection****left:Kanzan Behind: Pink Perfection You can see stamens with white Vexillate Filaments in some flowers.There are some flowers which have leaves and dark pink thing like a small flower at the centre of the flower. You can see some Kanzans and 2 Shirofugens in the Pitch & Putt. There are Kanzans around the Pitch & Putt, too. There are Kanzans both sides on Columbia St. from 37. Joseph's uncertain cherry near 33rd Entrance is almost finished and Kanzans near it are finishing now. Young Kiku-shidare has finished there.
Mariko wanted me to have a look at these trees on 37th and Columbia in QE Park, so scout Janet Morley and I went to see them. I agree that they're Pink Perfections. They may be the largest (oldest) ones we've seen in Vancouver so far. They have the vexillate filaments (little flags above the anthers) and even serrated sepals. The outer petals are darker than the inner ones, and we agreed with Ron B's description: Janet said "raspberry swirl". Is that red bit in the centre of some of the blossoms just a new petal emerging from the old blossom?
First posting 2010 Beespeaker reported the Accolades on E 18th between Prince Edward and Sophia last year. There are also Whitcombs on that block, just about in bloom now, and the Accolades are just starting there and around the corner on Sophia, two in the block south of 18th.
The Whitcombs at Tea Swamp Park still have their blossoms, though most of them are quite faded now. Laura found what looks to us like a staminode in a couple of the blossoms - there's one in the bottom-most blossom here. We always think of this cultivar as having single blossoms, but it's known to occasionally have a few semi-double blossoms - I posted one in the Whitcomb thread last year. The Accolades mentioned in the previous posting are in full bloom now. That block with the Accolade and Whitcombs on 18th at Sophia is worth the three-block walk from Tea Swamp Park.
The 'Somei-yoshino' and 'Akebono' are in bloom at QE Park. You can see a pic of the 'Somei-yoshino' from last year in posting #37. Here are some 'Akebono' pics from near the 33rd Ave entrance.
Re: Riley Park cherries after snow Our former scout Alex Wang sent me this special Akebono photos at Queen Elizabeth Park after this early morning snow.