I have something eating my Rhubarb this year. Plant started out fine in the spring. About mid June the stalks were totally scarred (the leaves had some holes but not unusual for rhubarb) with a clear liquid oozing out in a few places. I set up slug traps and caught 2-3 small ones. Now the rhubarb has sent up new leaves, but the also have scarring and so far none of the white oozing. I will attach pictures. Any idea what is causing this and what I can do? Thanks
I have gone out a couple nights now..and still see nothing. There is damage to the stalks but so far none of the liquid oozing out. I did find info on something called a Rhubarb curculio weevil. Is that something we have in the Pacific Northwest? .https://horticulturetalk.wordpress.... one generation,early summer and destroy them.
The Rhubarb cucurlio weevil is in BC but I'm not sure how prevalent it is. I think that the damage you see is likely from a variety of culprits. Mostly probably slugs and snails. Also, don't discount birds. I have just planted some Sempervivums in pots and found that just the tips of a few leaves were nibbled at. It wasn't slug or snail damage. I found the nibbler to be a juvenile Spotted Towhee (there may be others as well) taking little bites out of just the tips of a few plants. I can only guess it is for the liquid and whatever nutrients it contains to be the reason. So, perhaps this is another candidate for some of your damage. One way to avoid damage to your rhubarb is to use a floating row cover to keep any insects or critters away. Not super attractive but with rhubarb you are not looking for pollination of flowers so might be an acceptable alternative.