Rhododendrons - Leaf Buds but no Flower Buds

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by Suzy, May 16, 2009.

  1. Suzy

    Suzy Member

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    Qualicum Beach, BC Canada
    I'm new to this Forum and am really looking forward to receiving some knowledgeable feedback on rhododendron care.
    This is my story ... In the summer of 2006 I severely pruned back an older established rhododendron (about 20 years old, trunk about 4-6 inches). I now realize how stupid this was as I not only sent it into shock, I cut off all the flower buds for the next year ! So not expecting it to flower in the spring of 2007, I was really surprised to see that it didn't bloom in the spring of 2008 despite recovering really well with a lot of new growth and healthy leaves. Fast forward to now - spring of 2009 - and no flower buds only leaf buds. These leaf buds are bursting open into sticky multiple leaves and I wonder if I should be pinching them of to stop the plant from getting too leggy (which was the reason that I pruned severely in 2006) or should I let the plant take it's course of action and not interfere and hope that blooms will come next spring?
    Any advice or if anyone has experienced the same, I would be interested to hear. Thanks so much.
  2. K Baron

    K Baron Well-Known Member

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    North Vancouver, B.C., Canada
    Have you not been fertilizing your Rhodo?, best be doing that all season for next years blooms... bin there, done that....

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