Hi, I'm wondering if anyone has ever seen Rhododendron macrophyllum, (PNW native rhodo) for sale with any height or maturity (looking for 1m or larger) - between Vancouver, BC and Portland, OR? They're regularly grown and sold in No.1 or No.2 containers, but am looking for something much larger. Alternatively, does anyone one know of nurseries in the Pacific Northwest which might sell mature species/cultivars of Rhododendrons beside macrophyllum? Thanks very much for any info or help! Chad.
I see that Cedar Rim Nursery lists Rhododendron macrophyllum in their catalog of native plants. You could call them to check if they currently have any in stock.
Hi Rhodomontade - I was able to find a few people in BC who carry them in 5 gal., yet none who have them larger than that, so yes, I'm still looking - thank you!