I have been looking for a rhipsalidopsis ( sometimes called an Easter cactus) for some time. There are several different varieties.Does anyone know of a nursery or greenhouse in Vancouver that carries them?
I've also seen these called Hatiora. http://apps.rhs.org.uk/horticulturaldatabase/summary2.asp?crit=hatiora&Genus=Hatiora During bloom time these are common, seems like I was seeing them on display not long ago. Have you tried calling around, asking for Easter cactus? Outlets here have them in orange, red, pink and white during their season.
Thanks Ron B. but I am in Canada. I have seen them advertised in American nurseries and even tried to order some but Canada will not allow the importation of plant material into the country. I have phoned several of the well-known nurseries here to no avail. I will have to find a source in this country.
Another old named to look under is Schlumbergera. They seem to be called Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving cactus depending on when they tend to bloom.
Thanks for your replies -but rhipsalidopsis although in the cactus family, is a different plant from schlumbergera. Leaves look the same but the flowers on the rhip. open like flat stars. The colour range is similar.
What have they been telling you? They never have them or they don't have them now? Are you being sure you are talking to somebody that knows something? Particularly during the spring rush even large, long-established independent garden centers have lots of people on duty that are low pay, seasonal hourly employees that are often not kept informed by management. In its season this is the kind of item a body down here might find in a supermarket floral department, big box store - anyplace that sells potted floral crops.
Most nurseries try to convince me that I "mean" Christmas cactus, which I don't. I have had both plants and I know the difference. I think you are correct that I am not speaking to a plant expert when I call and it is not a high priority for them to actually find out. So frustrating when I know I can buy them just over the US/Canada border.Just can't bring plant material into the country! Thanks for your efforts.
Apparently there was at least one in Canada as of 10 years ago. http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=8417&highlight=rhipsalidopsis
Amsterdam Greenhouses in Pitt Meadows is owned by knowledgeable cactus people (who know the difference between Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter cacti). They used to do a fair business in holiday cactus. My favourite is the little pink Hatiora (Rhipsalidopsis) rosea. I remember receiving a plant from my grandmother (who probably got it from her mother) when I was a teenager. I left it with my mother when I left home and only recently took a few cladodes from the original plant for my windowsill in my office at work.