I picked up two large split leaf philodendron plants a neighbor cut down and threw away. Right now they are in a bucket of water - how can I make sure they survive? Any help is most appreciated. Thanks!!
Your lucky in that the tender perennial philodendron root very easily. Take portions with two or more joints and place them in sand or soil in a warm location, or root them in a glass of water. They can also be layered, and very large plants can be air layered. Even seeds germinate fairly quickly if planted as soon as they mature, before they dry out. - Millet (1,320-)
From the photos attached can you identifify the species? Both are often called "split leaf Philodendron". Since one is a member of Philodendron subgenus Meconostigma the growing advice can differ.
Since the stems are likely to be large and thick, I'd check first for good roots. I realize they were either cut off or ripped out of the ground, but if the roots are firm and not dried out, and don't have clean cuts, make clean cuts and then lay the stem pieces down in a prepared bed. Bury the roots as best as possible and bury at least half the stem longways. If one or more pieces have a growing tip, orient the pieces in the ground such the the tip is facing up as much as possible. New roots will branch off the cut off healthy root sections. Keep the media moist but not wet, and the planting area should be in the shade, not sun. LariAnn Aroidia Research
You are lucky, split leaf philodendron are survivors! Get them out of the bucket of water and put them in a moist medium out of direct sun. They like moist, not wet, they like bright light and need it for the leaves to "split". But while you are waiting for them to root, keep them out of direct sunlight. I have been cutting and re rooting mine for several years now, all over my patio!!!