While our buddleia davidii has served our purposes quite well (good size, nice flowers), I'm feeling a bit guilty about it being an invasive species. We haven't seen any indication of this in our own garden, but nevertheless it doesn't seem proper to keep it around. I was thinking about replacing it with a vaccinium ovatum (evergreen huckleberry) or sambucus racemosa (red elderberry). I'm wondering if one of these (or something else even) is more suitable to the site than the other. As well, any idea on where to buy one in the lower mainland? I've tried a few garden stores without luck yet. The location is between our house and a katsura japanese maple. It probably gets up to 6hrs filtered sun in the summer. I've already pruned the buddleia back this spring but the photos show the location. Check out the winter damage on the hebes!. thanks
A Rhododendron is possible, I was thinking about something taller though. I'm sure a rhodo would thrive in this spot thought, it's a good idea. cheers