Ive been looking all over the internet and I cant seem to find a chart to show anything besides USA zone charts Based on what others have said about nearby areas this might be zone 5 But id like to know for sure Anyone have a clue as to what zone Toronto - Ontario - Canada Would be? The greater GTA area. Thank you, been looking for over an hour :/
Wow, thanks alot Been looking all over the place and toronto.ca didnt even come to mind. sweet. lots of gratitude - Tom
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada puts Toronto in 5b. http://sis.agr.gc.ca/cansis/nsdb/climate/hardiness/intro.html You can click anywhere on the map for your zone.
Hmm when i clicked the dot representing toronto i got 6a and the names Toronto/Brampton where listed. Im looking for the 5b area because toronto is big and i live on the north east end Is it possible a large city can have more then 1 zone?
The 2000 map graphic has Toronto as 6a, whereas the 1967 map has it near the transition between 6a & 6b. Depending on where in the GTA one lives, you could be dealing with anything between 5b & 6b with 5a in the more northern area of York Region. Most of the urban (not suburban) area will be 6a with some 6b in the downtown core, Toronto Islands, & points west along the water towards Mississauga & Oakville. Take your cues on what shrubs and trees will survive by visiting the Humber arboretum, Edward gardens, & Mount Pleasant cemetery.