i have a pachyphytum oviferum as a house plant. it is a little hairy, but it could easily be random dust and cat hair...buti worry it is the hairy substance red spider mites leave. its got a few brown spots...and one little red lump.... its the red lump i worry is a red spider mite. i can see it without a magnifying glass, it has been in the same spot on the plant since i began to notice it. it is like...pushing its way out inbetween the stem and a leave, but hasnt grown or shrunk since i first noticed it. i have poked it and nothing changed. i wondered if it was the beginning of a flower, but i dotn think pachyphytum oviferum flowers grow out of the side of a plant, and i think it is too young to flower anyways. what could this be? it is my favorite plant. it cannot die. will anything bad hapopen if i treat it for red spider mite and it does not have spider mite? what should i treat it with? help!!!