Being short of cash and not having had much success growing one, I rescued a frail looking red maple from Homebase several weeks ago for a couple of pounds. Unfortunately, it's not showing any signs of recovery. I tried feeding it, watering it more, watering it less, putting it in the sun, putting it in the shade, out of the wind... Nothing seems to be helping as yet. It's still crispy around the edges of all its leaves and just as unhappy as it was when I bought it. Any ideas?
Hi, You need to give it a *stable* environment in which to recover. Changing the light and water will only cause the tree to suffer more stress as it tries to adjust to shade, then sun, more water, now less water, etc. My thinking is it probably suffered from underwatering at the nursery you bought it from. Nurseries can be notorious for letting things go too dry and a maple that goes dry on a day it should've gotten water will cause it's leaves to burn. Do not fertilize at this point. Put it in an area that gets morning sun and afternoon shade and leave it there. Water it properly...meaning keep the soil moist, but don't water so much that the soil stays wet and causes root rot. If you can find a source for it, mix in some liquid kelp with the water, but not too much. As long as you don't see the branches all turn black and go to wood it should recover. Hope this helps, Layne
G'Day Layne and welcome to Lady B, The advice Layne has given you Lady B is excellent. As long as the stress the poor plant has suffered to date hasn't proved to be fatal your maple should come back to good health with the advice Layne has given you. Goodluck
Hi Lady B, Taking your little tree inside would not be a good idea. You may lose this one - but that's the chance you take when you rescue plants or trees. All you can do is try. Chances are that if your little tree was mis-handled at the store - over or under watering, wrong fertilizers, etc., - it would affect the roots & the vascular system. I think if you succeed with this little tree you should pat yourself on the back. And if you don't - well don't beat yourself up. You will do better with the next one! And you will get better at picking out the ones you *can* save. Even if all the leaves fall off & it looks dead, just keep up with taking care of it & who knows - it might recover eventually. From a died-in-the-wool plant saver, Wanda
Hi, Be patient. As long as you're not seeing any major branch dieback the tree can make a recovery. Just be patient. And no, don't put your tree inside. Maples are outdoor plants. I have a red seedling that I underwatered. All the leaves fell off and the tree remained in this comatose state for a whole year and was one of the last trees to leaf out in late spring to early summer. Before it leafed out it was a virtual live stick. Not much branches, just a main trunk with two small branches. Some buds turned black but, no wood died back so I kept watering and feeding it like all my other maples. Sometimes too I feel like rescuing maples. But then I remember I might be buying a problem. A weakened tree is more susceptible to disease and pests. Layne
Thanks for the reassurance. All much appreciated. I'm hoping my little tree will bounce back. The leaves are still dry and curled up, but I've watered it every day (apart from today as it's peeing with rain outside!) and am keeping my fingers crossed. I'll keep you posted!
I wouldn't expect much improvement on the existing leaves. New leaves, however, should look better. Like others have said, it may be next spring before you see the fruits of your labor.