Hello all, this is my first thread in these forums and I would like to thank the staff for maintaining such a great and organized community, and also thank its members who have been contributing with interesting threads, as I've been reading in these forums. I would like to know what would be a recommended indoor plant to be raised in a tropical wet climate. My parents-in-law's farm is situated in the border of a tropical national park and is about no more than three hours from here by car, so I believe I will have no much problem in getting any plant that I could possibly found in there. I've been studying plants recently (I never had time for that) so I am open-minded for any recommendation that you think might work.
Any of the aroids (Philodendron, especially, but also Monstera and Dieffenbachia) will do very well as houseplants, as will many of the orchid species and most ferns. I would actually recommend the ferns over anything else, simply because they're much more populous. Palms are also an option, although it needs to be borne in mind that most of these will get too large for houseplants. HOWEVER, regardless of what you choose, I'd encourage you not to harvest them from the national park. Brazil has a very high rate of endemicism in its plants, particularly in the tropical forests, and these plants are always best appreciated in their natural habitats.... It's entirely possible that by taking just one individual out of the forest you contribute to its extinction in the wild. Philodendron spiritus-sancti is an excellent and timely example - it's a Brazilian endemic, and one that has almost if not completely disappeared in the wild because of its harvest for houseplants.
Lorax, thanks for the tip. I didn't bear in mind I could contribute for the extinction of these plants by taking off a few specimens. It would be quite contradictory to raise plants by harming nature. I'll google for these plants you indicated me and I'll choose one (or more than one) based in beauty, space required and seed availability in the legal market. I'll post back after I get to a conclusion. Thanks again!