Hi all, I've been fascinated with carnivorous plants since keeping a Venus flytrap a number of years ago. I had it for a couple of years and it grew quite large before I left it outside just a little too long one fall and it frost-killed. Can anyone recommend a relatively easy carnivorous houseplant (or one that will happily live outside on a balcony in the Vancouver area)? I have north and south windows and north and south balconies. The south balcony tends to get surface-of-the-sun type hot in the summer. It's a townhouse so I have no real yard beyond the balconies, and not a huge lot of room inside. thanks!
You might try Drosera adelae (Lance Leaf Sundew) and Drosera capensis (Cape Sundew). They've done well for me indoors.
I have a pitcher plant, Nepenthes somethingorother that's taking over my SW facing bay window. Some of its pitchers are big enough to swallow a small mouse. Something I'm tempted to test one of these days. I've rooted a few cuttings for friends, but I haven't been invited over lately so maybe they've been eaten.
There is the native round-leaf sundew that will probably do well outside; I've found them growing on semi-submerged logs in "lost" lake - located down an old corduroy road and created by logging outside and above Mission so I'm sure Vancouver's climate will be ok for them.