We received a beautiful wicker basket with an assortment of plants. I have replanted them in their own pots, and would sure like some help figuring out what the plants names are so that I can care for them correctly. I've looked through some old books I have and here are my guesses on their names, let me know if you think I am even close: 1st Dracaena warnecki 2nd Croton codiaeum variegata pictum 3rd one is a mystery, I don't have a clue 4th Dieffenbachia picta "Dumb Cane" 5th Ficus elastica "Rubber Plant'' 6th another mystery plant
The mystery plant with the flowers is a Kalanchoe blossfeldiana, and the second mystery plant is Cordyline fruticosa , these are both very easy care plants.
Thankyou for helping me name my mystery plants. Was a correct on what the other plants were or totally off-base?