Hello, I'm researching the trees that grow on UBC grounds. Can anyone confirm that there are Sitka Spruce trees growing on UBC grounds? Please and thank-you very much, Pete.
Speaking of Sitka Spruce, I know that the small specimen of "Golden" Sitka Spruce that was in the Native Garden many years ago was removed after the incident in Haida Gwai. Are there any local specimens of that clone now?
Googling I got an item saying there were some in Pacific Spirit Regional Park. It also seems like there are some along SW Marine Drive, as you are driving through the undeveloped forest lands between the south entrance and the main campus. But I haven't been up there for years.
Regarding the golden spruce Iseli nursery, Boring, OR spent 15 years developing an improved version, with apical dominance and sun resistance and put some examples on the market here within the last few years, as 'Aurea' - the name G. Bentham was using when he distributed propagations of the Haida tree.