Two years ago, i cut raspberry canes from an escaped alley dweller and managed to root one. I've had to move the plant twice to completely different yards, and though the cane grew and sent out other branches/canes, it hasn't bloomed at all. The parent plants are fruiting like crazy. Do raspberries need a couple of years to establish? Am i doing something wrong? The growth is vigorous and strong and i used sheep manure, and the plants are in full sun with moderate amounts of watering, unless the weather warrants more, but green leaves and tall canes are not why i'm growing it! I'm in Calgary's Zone 3.
What kind of Raspberry do you have? The kind that bears fruit on the previous year growth, or the kind that bears fruit on the current season growth?
i have no idea--as i said, i cut canes from one i found in the alley, which seems to be be bearing every year, but i never noticed which canes there did or did not produce
So you have one cane in its second year (since you didn't prune your Raspberry) and two new canes and no fruit on either of them. It looks like you have the type of Raspberry that is producing on the previous year growth. They sometimes need a couple of years to get established and start producing. Remember to cut down later in the summer the old, previous year cane and leave the other two. They should give you some fruit next year. Remember to repeat the same procedure each fall or late summer: cut the old, previous year canes after fruiting and leave only the new ones.