Some time ago friends gave me some Rangpurs (also "Rangpur limes") - apparently, a cross between lemons and tangerines. They are remarkably bitter, but make absolutely wonderful marmalade. I planted a dozen seeds, and now they are coming up. but the plants are very different. Is this the same as oranges, that can produce vegetative and genetic crosses from the same seed? Some of the pairs of plants come up side by side; others show cotyledons only at first; yet others come up with cotyledons and secondary leaves together. I need now to plant them in individual pots. What potting mix should I use? Peter Anderson
If your seeds are polyembryonic (multiple plants in one seed) then they are true to type (it is possible to have one zygotic seedling in a seed as well, but normally that one dies before the seed sprouts).
Rangpur limes also makes a great rootstock for grafting. Seedlings should be planted using a light mix like a 50/50 mix using Perilite and Miracle-Gro or peat. Like all citrus keep the container small and move up slow with good drainage. Dale
Dale, thanks for the info, especially about the soil and keeping them somewhat confined. Will do!! Peter A.