questions about my new maples

Discussion in 'Maples' started by brewsterbaker, Jul 26, 2007.

  1. brewsterbaker

    brewsterbaker Member

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    blue springs, missouri
    I planted three new maples in september 2006. A burgundy belle, red sunset, and a autumn blaze. I have read some people say to fertilize with mira-acid because maples like acidic soil. Is this true? If so, how often? I have included some pics of the three trees. they were all three pot trees. I planted them with the top of the potted dirt slightly elevated from surrounding soil. holes were dug to three times the width of the pot and back filled with scotts garden soil. The trees were mulched with 4 inches of cypress mulch within a couple of inches of the trunk. I water once a week when we don't get rain. I am located in missouri. the red sunset received a injury last november but seems to be healing nicely (see pic). The red sunset leaves have a good dark green color, but have seemed wilted to me. they have been this way since they came on this spring. We had a very wet spring and now things have dried out but the temp is in the 90's everyday. the autumn blaze and burgundy belle leaves have developed some small yellow and black spots. I don't know if this is due to the heat or is just normal. There were some bugs eating the leaves so I treated with some sevin as recommended on the label. Let me know what you all think.

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  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Sample soil and have tested to determine fertilizer needs, if any. Contact Missouri Cooperative Extension for assistance. If planting additional trees and shrubs in future refill planting holes with same dirt that came out. Black spots on leaves a fungus called tar spot.
  3. alex66

    alex66 Rising Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    ROME Italy zone9/b
    i use mirate fertilize for some acer that prefer acid soils one time for year with Osmocote for acid plants is a fertilize low release is good for 9 mounths, in zone 9 i use in febbrary
    Regards alex
  4. Active Member Maple Society

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    Piedmont Virginia
    Maples don't like artificially induced acid soil, plus they don't like ammonium sources nitrogen try calcium nitrate instead. I am not trying to discuss all the issues involved with fertilizing maples such as, when or how much, nor the correct ratios of NPK. I will say fertilizing in spring and summer is hazardous. Maple do well an most soils, but if it is on the acid side of natural all the better. I do thing I remember reading one maple likes it alkaline. I am only trying to point out some topics that are often over looked. In general I think the tree likes all things natural, as it naturally grew for the last few thousand years..
  5. Gomero

    Gomero Well-Known Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    Southwest France
    How do you know this?
    Have you some research data?

  6. alex66

    alex66 Rising Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    ROME Italy zone9/b
    Rich,is one annual story,cultived maples "natural" or not?for my time conditions ,natural method is only for a small number of species ,pseudoplatanus,campestre,opalus and relative cultivar;
    another maples without dedicate fertilize,care ,and add soil when planted ,not grown good;because their natural habitah is mountain and i live in hill 150/200 m on level sea
    another maple ,like american maple Negundo,Saccharinum are naturalize in Italy in Rome climate too !!!

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