Hi! I planted two Red Globe grape seeds about three months ago, changed my mind about doing so at the beginning of winter (just in case they actually grew), and removed one but couldn't find the other. The one I lost in the pot did indeed spring up into a very shy little vine that is now taking off in my warm well lit bathroom. The problem is that it was planted in a pot that was already home to another vine, non-grape related. My questions are: 1. Will this globe grape vine grow up to produce actual Globe grapes should it survive, or will I get nothing, or some random variety of grape from it? 2. When and how do I transplant a vine that is so young and tender? 3. I'm very attached to this little greenling but it can't share this pot with the other vine. It's very important that both survive, how can I ensure this? I've submitted pictures to show you the situation. Thank You for any and all replies :) ~Ivyrae
Hi Ivyrae: 1. Grapes rarely breed true so what you get will be related but not identical and often not even close in appearance (not Red Globe) 2. Inside: anytime. Disturb the roots as little as possible, cut back the top to just a couple of leaves, don't let it dry out (but don't drown it either). 3. You can't ensure the survivals, you can just give it your best shot as above. Watch the larger plant as well and be prepared to cut it back if it starts to droop (if it's roots are disturbed it too may have trouble keeping up with the transpiration of it's existing foliage). Leave them as houseplants till spring then gradually harden everybody off when they can go outside. Don't let the grapes get very large till they are in their permanent home. Prune any flowers that show up. A 1 gal. pot would be fine, with root directing fins and air pruning openings if you can find them. Water in a pan and pour off anything that has not soaked in at the end of an hour. You can use most any soluble house plant fertilizer, but only once a month and half strength. Be ready to trim again when you plant them out. They are alleged to be hardy to US zone 7. Ralph