Hello. I have a question about my palm trees. I have 2 of them in the back yard which were already planted before I moved in to my home. The previous owners planted a palm (have no idea what kind) in both back corners of the yard. You can hardly see them because they planted some trees behind them and on all sides of them except the front and they have Youpon holly bushes in front of them. What was the purpose of this? These trees (don't know what kind they are either) block the view of the palm trees. Were they trying to keep them warmer in the winter? I would like to dig up these unattractive trees, but I wanted to check first to find out if I should. I wouldn't want the palms to die, because maybe they needed the trees for protection or whatever. I live between Ft. Worth and Dallas, Texas and it does get cold in the winter. What do you think? Thank You.
Maybe the trees and bushes were smaller when they were first planted and grew quickly and soon engulfed the palms? I know I am a bit guilty of this myself. Can you post a photo? Ed
I'd think you'd need to be more careful about cutting the palm's roots than removing whatever protection the shrubs might provide... Cutting palm roots is a *bad* thing.