my queen sago was pulled out of the pot by the dog. i replanted it and it was doing well for a while, now it is turning yellow and the branches are falling over. what can i do.
They say, "Never give up on a cycad." If the leaves look dead, cut them off. Water sparingly and wait until spring. New leaves will probably sprout. It is hard to kill a cycad unless you over-water it.
so how many times a week should i water my queen sago. and you said to cut off the yellow leaves that would be all of them. Where do you cut them off at? right at the stock of the plant.
You should let it dry out between waterings. The worst thing you can do to a cycad (and a sago palm is a cycad) is to over-water it because the root then rots. Better to under-water than over-water.
Yes, you can cut all the leaves off, right at the base. Water sparingly over the winter -- let the soil dry out between waterings -- and in spring it should put out a new flush of leaves. As long as the caudex (trunk) remains firm and does not get mushy, it is still alive. Don't give up on it!
Yes, let the soil dry out. Sagos are very drought resisant, and hate "wet feet", so above all do not over-water. I water mine once a week.