I know it's a pussy willow but what kind would it be.How to care for it.I know it should be planted in the ground in springtime but do I have to or can it be kept indoors.Do I have to prune it in the spring or fall.Thank you for your help.
That's what it is. I've seen these small specimens sold before outdoor planting time asked about on the internet before. You will now have to place in the coolest and brightest possible indoor area and keep it limping along until planting time (after last frost). It won't like being inside much, and after it goes out it will have to be protected from full sun. Try planting it in the full sun area it will want but with something set up to shade it initially, as the leaves made indoors will burn up outside. You have to wait for it to make new leaves outside before it is then becoming "adjusted". Possibly it will have to be shaded most or all of its first summer outside, unless it quickly makes enough new leaves that the ones made indoors becoming burnt is not such a concern (these will then be on the inside of the foliage).