Hi, I'm new to this forum and interested in this tree. However, research indicated that it is toxic. Could anybody reassure me regarding my concerns. I have a 9yr old son (not yet seen chewing on a tree) and a golden retreiver. The tree would be placed adjacent to a parking area that both 'animals' traffic. Thanks.
Because of genetics and breeding practices over time, Labradors and Golden Retrievers have a reputation for eating anything and everything. (A great reference on this issue is Animals in Translation by Temple Grandin (2004).) According to UC Cooperative Extension, Robinia pseudoacacia ranks in the highest category of toxicity, therefore I wouldn’t even take a chance. See: http://envhort.ucdavis.edu/ce/king/PoisPlant/Tox-COM.htm. If you want some ideas for alternate trees, which will give you some of what you are attracted to in the ‘Purple Robe’, there are a number of members, who can assist you in this regard.
What accounts for the reputations of 9-year-olds? You'd probably be better off with a more refined tree like a deciduous magnolia (these are also available in purple) in that spot anyway.
Firstly, thanks for your input Ron B. We've looked at a Galaxy Hybrid Magnolia (the label indicated that it was a shrub?) Is this the deciduous version you refered to? We also looked at American Redbud, Forest Pansy Redbud and Oaklahoma Redbud after your suggestion to look at "smaller" varieties. What do you think?
'Galaxy' was selected for street tree use but I meant any of various magnolias--or other kinds of trees that meet your criteria. 'Galaxy' is OK but is being planted to point of boredom down here now. If it were still March-April you could go to UBC Lam Asian Garden and view various more exciting types, although you do need space and shelter (a site like the Asian Garden) for many of the ones they have there. VanDusen Botanical Display Garden shows more garden hybrid magnolias, other genera of garden trees can also be scrutinized elsewher at UBC and at VanDusen. Since you have two botanical gardens there in Vancouver I would suggest taking advantage of them.