I recently bought a new small emperor 1 and it it is gowing very well. Just one problem. The fastest growth of leaves is just below the graft. I was wondring if its a good or bad idea to chop off all the green leaves or should I wait until the tree is more established. Right now the tree just looks comical.
I think I may have been to late. All my red leaves dried up and will probably soon fall off. More green leaves are budding at the lower part of the tree too. Now I don't know what to do. Ohh well at least it was onl a 1 gal emperor 1. I thought these were supposed to be one of the more sun tolerant red Japanese maples, and yet it does worse than the Red Dragon, Bloodgood, and Tamukayama in the same amount of sun. Was it because I didn't chop off the green leaves fast enough? Or was it something else?
No for me is Verticillum, you prune and see if the branch are dry ,you remove every branch, and you have...... acer palmtum sub.palmatum !!! the best maple red tollerant sum is Fire Glow .alex
I pruned the brancjes back a bit ans I still ahve green wood beneath so I don't think its dead. I think I will go and get a fireglow for that same spot it doesn't make it. Luckily it was pretty small and only cost me $15 US so no big loss. I don't know if i have the hert to rip it out of the ground considering below the graft it just keeps pouring out leaves. Maybe I should just sticlk to green cultivars for the sunnier spots.
Ohh as far as laceleafs which is the most heat and sun tolerant red? Garnet, red dragon, Orangeola, Tamuke Yama, Inaba Shidare or is there another? So far I have a Red dragon that has held up very well in very heavy afternoon sun with shade only untill noon. The emperor one is planted just a few feet from it. The Nursery that I go through in Fresno for a lot of the more Unusual Cultivars suggested I use something called Pro-TeKt on any red leafed maples that get a lot of sun. Any thoughts?
Its a 0-0-3 Potassium and Silicon Supplement that is supposed to improve hardiness and drought tolerance as well as protcting against leaf burn: http://www.dyna-gro.com Its listed under Nutrient supplements. I'm going to order some and see how it works out.