The book Cavendish Encyclopedia of Pruning and Training by Christopher Brickell and David Joyce, Cavendish Books 1996 is out of print. Is it published by anyone else under a new name? If not, can a book of similar quality be recommended?
Hi Tony, I just got a book this fall, I am certain through Chapters online, it is by Brickell and Joyce, Pruning and Training, published out of "The Amercian Horticultural Society" Printed in Slovakia by DK publishing ( ISBN : 1-56458-331-7 cover price is $35 US. chapters (indigo) link (searched the name Brickell) :
Tony, There is also a listing for the American Hort. Society Pruning & Training by Brickell & Joyce in the latest American Nurseryman Horticultural Books, etc. catalogue. Their website is Good luck, that is the best pruning book.