My rhodies have just dropped their flowers. I have 2 large ones planted on either side of a path. Now the 12 inch "new growth" is beginning to interfere with using the path. If I remove this new growth will I lose flowers for next year is my question. Thank you in advance.
Thank you for the prompt reply. I was afraid of that.....but life goes on and the blooms above eye level will be beautiful. Beginning to have a real tunnel affect on these 10 ft beauties.
It is so early right now, that you may not lose all your flower, if you prune them in the next week or two. Because there is a good chance for new growth, and new flower buds again, this year. So it's like 60% chance of flowers, and 40% chance of no flowers. If you do prune the growth off, and if they are open to sun, you may need to toss a white sheet or something over them if we get near 95 degree F days before mid-July. Because what's on there now is shading the interior bark or leaves.