we have a 20 year old concord grape vine which has been used primarily for shade on a trellis about 17 feet from the ground level we now wish to prune the vine for optimal fruit growth and encourage horizontal growth along a the veranda railing enclosed is a primative diagram of the setting we would only do so if we would not harm the vine. because i am a first time user i don't know how to look for a response. Will i be notified on my email? thanx ----------trellis ----------4ft high veranda railing -----------ground level
You'll need to do some pruning on the vine. This link will help you out. http://extension.missouri.edu/xplor/agguides/hort/g06090.htm Concords will produce best on canes as opposed to spurs. The wood that grew this year will produce fruit for you next year. Don't be afraid to prune the vine back quite a lot. Cheers Kim
it's my first response please excuse if it's a repeat! Kim thanks so much for a very detailed source.I hope we'll be able to implement it. nightingale