I wrote earlier, but still have questions about pruning Adenium. Mine is very leggy (inherited from a friend), and I was wondering about pruning it. It was pruned in the past and sprouted from the tips, but they didn't go far enough down the stem. It is starting to send out new leaves, and so I am hesitant to prune these all off, as it would be leafless, but am wondering if it will sprout new leaves further down the stem, or would actually benefit from a severe haircut. Any ideas?
It's leggy because it needs a lot more and longer hours of light. But you can prune it, and it will (should) bud back lower down. I just wouldn't do it all at once - in other words 2/4 branches at a time, for instance.
Chester: A neat thing about the desert rose is that you can tell (usually) whether yours was started from a cutting or from a seed. A plant from a cutting will always have a straight trunk. A plant started from a seed will develop the so-called elephant foot bulbous base. If yours has the bulb base it was a seed start. If it remains slender from the ground up, it started as a cutting. And yes, just like draceanas, if you cut the stem, the cutting will give you a new one, and the blunt stem will generate from one to three new stems. Also, it is customary for these guys to lose the bottom leaves as they grow. Even with plenty of sun, they will get 'leggy' over time, and pruning will make them fill out. (And you can harvest and grow the cuttings). Have fun.
I just LOVE the amount of info you are providing. I wrote in about this baby, oh, six months ago, and didn't get much response then. So thanks! Mine has a bulbous base, so I guess it had a seedy start. I also have been very shy about pruning as I know so little about how they respond. Now I won't be so nervous to do so. I know about the 'sap' and so will be cautious. I've read to be careful of winter watering, but could you give me some kind of general guidelines? With my jades (you there Rima ? ;) I water a little about every 4 to 6 weeks. Would these puppies prefer even less, or none at all until spring? I won't bug you any more after this, you've been patient enough as it.