propogating cycads from seed

Discussion in 'Plant Propagation' started by Ryles, Mar 6, 2006.

  1. Ryles

    Ryles Member

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    I have recently bought two sets of seeds; one of Dioon edule, the other of Zamia intergrifolia. I was wondering if anyone has any experience in growing these cycads from seed and any tricks to doing it. I have instructions for doing so, but waiting 5 months for seedlings seems a little excessive, so if anybody knows of any tricks, please, do tell.

    PS: they're being grown indoors in a .75X.75 M space with a full spectrum 70 watt bulb, at around 65-80 F day to night averages.
  2. oscar

    oscar Active Member

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    Surrey, England
    5 months doesnt sound like that long ;) and i dont think you could speed the process up, keeping the temp at 80 rather than 65 might help, but im no expert.........on the positive side i bought a few seedlings 5 years ago :) Dioon edule, thinking about it, it could be 8 years........yay it now has 3 leaves and is about 8 inches tall (the leaves that is) if patience isnt your thing, then i think you picked a difficult subject............there is a way of making it grow much faster....move to mexico, i had a visit from an employee of the Mexican botanic garden............when he saw my 6 year old Dioon, he laughed.....and took great delight in telling me his 5 year old dioons were 10x the size of mine :( im sure in 20 or 30 years mine will be impressive specimens.

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