Can someone please tell me if you can start Sweet Peas from seeds under fluorescent lights and when should that be done for spring planting? Thank you, FEDDY
Freddy--I would try to cover their planting area outside, maybe a pane of glass or a temporary poly tunnel over the area, and plant the seeds in place in maybe early March. The trick is to keep the seeds dry enough that they don't rot in our cool wet springs. These plants hate root disturbance, so transplanting them will probably set them back almost as much as the early indoor start would have gained. Also, they will need so much acclimating to the cooler outdoors that I wouldn't go to the trouble. I've noticed with other plants like zuccini/squash, that seeds sown in place usually outperform the indoor started transplants, I just suspect that the sweet peas will be similar. My 2 cents! Glen