Today I noticed small bumps/nodules all over this ornamental cherry in my back yard. I am worried because I have many of these trees in my back yard. Only one is currently affected. if you stand with the sun behind the tree, the tree appears to be raining some sort of sap/resin. All the lower leaves are covered with it. You can see in some of the pictures the bark is wet. How do I help this tree?
Some kind of scale. Could rub some off if that's what it is and hose down. Not sure what you would treat the tree with to kill them, maybe ask at a nursery retail centre.
Yes, it's a hellacious infestation of brown soft scale. The tree is a purpleleaf plum, and not a flowering cherry.
Thank you for the help with identifying it. Does anyone have a recommendation? I've been doing some reading on scale, but I don't have a clear conclusion: 1.) if this is dangerous to the 5 other identical trees I have in the yard. 2.) if the treatment in a non-actively crawling stage is possible 3.) if it is best to destroy the tree to prevent the others from infection Additional comments would be greatly appreciated! Thanks Drew
Maybe use search box at top of this page for "scale" for additional info. Wouldn't think you would have to destroy the tree, but best to keep it from spreading soon.