My neighbour is installing a chain link fence. I would like more privacy, but do not want to attach anything to it as it is 'his' and I really do not want to deal with him. Does anyone have any suggestions such as a thin shrub?
Which direction does the chainlink fence face? Is it shaded or in full sun? Is the soil moist most of the time nearby, or does it get/stay dry? Because it's not just about what to plant for you, but also what will be happy there so you don't have to do this again! keke
Consider Fargesia rufa, a clumping (and thus well behaved and non-running) bamboo. Fast to establish and evergreen. Depends what you mean by "thin", mind you--look up "fargesia rufa hedge" on an image search to get an idea (noting that many of the results that pop up in google aren't make sure the photos are in fact the species in question).