can this plant be saved? We were given a Princess Bush last summer and, in ignorance, planted it (we live in the Willamette Valley of Oregon, Zone 8). It bloomed beautifully all summer and fall, but I'm afraid the unusually cold weather we had in late December and January damaged it. All the leaves are shriveled and dry, and the branches are brittle. Can we revive it with pruning and care, or is it a goner?
Hello, I am in Oregon also, outside Eugene. I have never heard of this plant. Does it have any other names and/or botanical names that you may know of? Or maybe a picture. But it doesn't sound good. Good luck!
Hi You can try a search for tibouchina urvilleana ( princess flower/ glory bush/purple glory bush) This maybe what you have. Regards Doug
Re: can this plant be saved? Hi, there Sorry to hear your news! I don't know too much about these plants and have only just started researching as I was attracted by them on a recent visit to San Francisco where they seem to thrive. I don't know how your winters compare with S-F. I live in the Isle of Wight, an island off the south coast of England, and intend to try one if I can get hold of it. I found your query when Googling the name! Although further north than you, we are probably zone 9 or 10 as far as winter temperatures go (where we are in Ventnor, anyway, which is on a south-facing steep slope protected by cliffs to the north.) I overwinter palms, strelitzia and various cacti without protection, so may be OK. As far as yours is concerned, I hope someone with more knowledge will advise you. Otherwise, I would keep it fairly, but not completely, dry and watch for new shoots. i had a similar problem with a Brugmansia (Angels Trumpet) the winter before last when it was cut to the ground by a 27degree (F.) might but it recovered and grew 6ft. tall. This year we did not really get a frost and it did not die back - now about 8ft and flowering well.
Mine is a goner - I have tried 3 times ..But then I'm a little further North than you are - Victoria BC
I've had a princess flower for two years. I live in Seattle. Here is how I take care of it. Keep it in a pot (do not plant or it will die) this is a tropical flower and do not like the cold. Put it outside in spring and bring it back before it gets too cold around October/November. Keep it close to a window but away from heater Water regularly (once a week). Does not like too much water. Fertilize it with natural ingredients - I usually use worm tea and it loves it. It grows between 2-6 inches per year. I believe your plant is gone! Here is what I would do. Do a small incision (peel) the bottom stem with a knife. If the inside the peel is green, the plant is still alive. You can dig it out and plant it in a pot and it will hopefully come back to life. Good luck!