Hi, I've had a potted olive tree for a few years. I've almost killed it once by trying to "chill" it (I don't know what the actual term is) because I read that it needs some sustained cool temperatures in the winter to get fruits. So I left it out longer than usual, while keeping an eye on the temperature. When the temperature went too low, I brought it in for the season. Well that didn't work and it lost the vast majority of its leaves almost as soon as I brought it indoors. I was really worried the whole winter. I'm in Ottawa, Ontario. Is there a way to get it to get fruits (without risking killing it) or should I just give that up? Cheers
some advice from the master gardeners on olives in Ontario. it may be of some help? https://www.torontomastergardeners.ca/askagardener/growing-olive-tree-indoors/
True. I've had mine for a few years already, and while it's not growing much, it's doing ok (except for when I almost killed it). It's probably about 5 years old now. It's as healthy as it's ever been. I'm surprised by this 9 years old prediction but what do I know.