Potatoes. Chitting progress. http://www.durgan.org/URL/?WASHB 1 April 2009 Potato chitting progress. Picture one and two indicate an attempt to chit supermarket potatoes. Notice how the potatoes did not sprout properly in 30 days, and they turned black. It is apparent that some type of sprout inhibitor has been used. One carton of the store bought potatoes was previously discarded, since I did not like the quality of the sprouts. The three cartons of purchased seed potatoes are sprouting well in just 15 days. The extra carton from a friend are doing well, but they had white sprouts before placing in the light. Now the sprouts are turning greenish. The potatoes will be plantred outdoors about 15 April 2009.
Interesting photos. The supermarket potatoes must have been sprayed with something. I notice you don't cut off the "rose" end sprouts. I have 6 different varieties chitting at the moment and I also have left all the sprouts. Do you think it matters one way or the other ?
I have the impression that the more vegetation above ground the bigger the quantity and quality of the crop. This means the more sprouts the better the harvest. I have no absolute evidence to support this view, but am observing the results. Last year I cut the rosette out and felt that the untouched seed was marginally a better producer.
I notice that all of your potatoes are whole. Do you ever cut the larger ones in half before chitting?
I would cut the larger potato, but usually the ones chosen are small enough to make this unnecessary. I have no concerns about cutting the larger potatoes and leaving two eyes.
Silver Creek asked if you cut the larger ones before chitting. I assume you would cut them into pieces after chitting ?