Last year I planted Sieglinde potatoes which are a low starch, wonderful potato for salads etc because they stay intact when cooked. Because I live in a remote location, securing these potatoes is not an easy feat so I was wondering if the next best thing would be Yukon Gold as I can get these at Cdn Tire. Thanks for your help. Passionflower
Can you get 'Marfona'? That also stays intact on cooking, a very nice 'waxy' texture potato. Don't know if it is low starch or not, though.
If you ever find Sieglinde again, put a few away in your root cellar to use as seeders for the next year's crop.... Then you won't have this problem. Micheal - the "waxier" a potato is, the lower its starch content.
Thanks! Took me a long time to realise 'Marfona' was a potato, not a shipping communications system ;-)
Potatoes are my favourite vegetable. I bake them in the oven in a cast iron pot covered. 400F for one hour and they are perfect, a little butter and I have a feast. But, I cannot take Yukon Gold. I don't like the texture, and probably the colour puts me off. I like my potatoe fluffy and white. Thank you-just my view. I only grow Superior-white, and Pontiac-Red, and Kennebec-first time this year; and last year I tried about six of the black or purple type. I will try the purple again, since I rather liked them. Usually I grow what is available form the local suppliers.
I found them on West Coast Seeds... good luck!