I may be mistaken on the ID; it's an Anthurium for sure and the leafblade and size certainly fit for A. angamaracum. I might be right out to lunch, but A. angamaracum was the only aroid growing in the area. What do y'all think? I found it in the Alto Choco montane cloud forest, in the Intag valley, at about 2100 meters of elevation. The smaller leaf is from the plant I am presuming to be the juvenile, while the red one is a freshly-opened leaf from a more mature plant.... The biggest one in the area had gone right up a 50 foot Cecropia tree; the leaves nearer the bottom were close to 2 meters long!
Can't help with the id Lorax, but that certainly is a great looking specimen. I especially love the colour of the new leaf... Ed
Greatcolor! I've never seen a juvenile form of A. angamarcanum with that color but who knows? I'm certainly no expert!