I have a ponytail plant and it looks like the top just rotted or died. I noticed all the top was brown and when I was investigating it, it just came off! What do I do with the top of the plant now; should I cut it off or just leave it alone?? It is in a little dark point in the center now. It is still alive because it has babies growing off the bottom. Please help!!! Deb
please post a pic of it. if there are little ones at the bottom, then it won't matter much if the main plant is dead...which it may not be. need a pic.
Deb that plant will be fine now with the new growth. What I'm wondering is how did the crown get that rot?? Ed
ed is correct...the new plantlets will continue to grow - you can even remove them and pot them up seperately if you want. that might be a good idea since the top part of the main plant did rot and fall off. you might have a root-rot situation going on and it might be best to remove the baby plants before they succumb. if that planter does not have drainage holes, then rot probably has set in. if that planter does not have drainage holes in it, that may be why the main stalk rotted..just a matter of being kept too moist. i'd cut the stalk back a bit...to below the spot where it looks shriveled. hopefully you will find that there's healthy wood there. if there is, then it will eventually sprout new bits of growth - at least two and maybe even more. if you do find that the trunk is healthy, i'd definitely repot into something that has drainage so that you don't have a repeat. check the roots and remove anything that is dark and/or mushy. if, after cutting back the trunk, you don't find good healthy material, i'd take the baby plants off and pot them up seperately. deb, LOVE that carpet!! what's the name of the pattern? and that bench is gorgeous, too!!