Ponytail Palms

Discussion in 'Caudiciforms and Pachycaul Trees' started by judeb, Mar 7, 2009.

  1. judeb

    judeb Member

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    Old Town, FL USA
    I'm new to this. I just purchase a ponytail palm and there are 5 bulbs (trunks) in the pot all close together. I wanted to transplant it thinkin they were 5 separate trees but after reading some of this forum I not sure what to do. Any suggestions?
  2. markinwestmich

    markinwestmich Active Member

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    Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
    How the plants are presented is totally up to you. You can separate them, or not. I have seen so many individually potted Beaucarnea that the idea of seeing 3-5 plants crammed together in one pot seems desirable. If the caudexes merge into one, it probably will not harm them at all. In nature, this can happen, as well.

    Some potted plants are treated like living works of art. The art of bonsai is a classic example, and more recently, caudiciform and pachycaul plants can make some beautiful bonsai/bonsai-like displays. Perhaps your Beaucarnea would be excellent candidates.


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