I am trying to find out what is attacking my plant which I have had on my front porch in Tequesta, Florida (Palm Beach County) for 1 1/2 years. It looks like sand attacked the leaves and then alot of sand looking substance is stuck to the base where the leaves come out. I tried insecticide and it got worse. Thanks
I have a pontail palm in Palm Beach County Florida that now has a sand like substance stuck to the base where the leaves come out and sandy spots on the top and underside of the leaves. Can anyone tell me what this is? Can anyone tell me how to cure it? Thanks
I don't know what it is, but I am sure someone here will be able to help you. We also have a Caudiciform & Pachypodium forum where someone with specific knowledge may be more likely to see it.
what you call 'sand' is it white and kind of fluffy? if so, sounds like mealy bugs. they're easy enough to treat - q-tips dipped in rubbing alcohol and than applied to the bugs. repeat with freshly dipped swabs and make sure to get the crevises where the leaves attach - both upper and lower sides. it's hard to get all the eggs the first go-round, so repeat treatment in about 10 days (give or take a few in either direction) and repeat again in another 10 days to catch any final stragglers. if the stuff isn't white & fluffy, it could be powdery mildew which would need treated with a fungicide. can you post a pic?