I just bought a ponytail palm about 12 in tall...as I was replanting it from the container it came in....it seems so wet and the roots all came off just a few remain....!!! will my new baby make it? Help....Thanks, Annette
Your "ponytail palm" (Beaucarnea recurvata) is a plant found in the deserts of Mexico, and is not a palm. When in doubt, keep it dry. It is well-adapted to long periods of drought. That is why it has that fat "bulb" on the base of the plant. It is known as a caudex and it stores water. It is a member of a large group of plants known as caudiciforms. That said, it has obviously suffered some serious root rot. Take the plant out of the soil and let it air dry for a day or two. It stores water in its trunk/caudex, but if it is also showing signs of rot, it may be time to send it to the "great beyond" and chalk it up as a learning experience. If the caudex appears to be in otherwise good condition, then try some rooting hormone on it before placing it in a loose, granular soil and a pot with large drainage holes. Don't water it for at least a week and then only when the soil is completely dry. Remember, this is a desert plant and it thrives on neglect. There are several threads on this forum regarding the care of this popular plant.
Thank you for your post...I was not able to get back on till today....I took the pony out of the soil... took a good look @ the bottom and it seems to not be soft or mushy.... it does have a few root on it that are intact... when I planted it I was not sure how deep it should be? also I planted it in very sandy soil with some slow release plant food ... Thank you for all your help Annette