I have new shoots at the base of the trunk can i cut them off and plant them straight in to the dirt? to restart a new plant?
yeah they are all around the base attatched to the main trunk above the soil and the stems are about 100mm long with lots of growth. I was wandering if i can cut them off and plant them straight into soil like a Yakka or similar??????
You can divide them, but you might want to wait a bit longer 100mm isn't very big. When you do divide try and get as much root as possible for it. Just prepare a small pot for the pup with lots of grit in the soil for fast drainage (more grit than soil). If your really concerned you might want to consider a fungicide on the cut.
hi Carol, These baby shoots are sprouting from the main trunk it is inpossible to seperate with roots atatached?????????? It would be more like cutting from the main stem and planting straight in to the soil but i dont know if they will take.