I have a pony tail and well we had a bit of an accident when the wind blew my birdcage dropped on top of it. Since then its started getting shoots coming from the bulb. Does anyone know if you can cut the bulb to get these new shoots to pot to make another plant?
G'day Tigs, I'm in Brissy. You can cut the new growth off and replant, just wait till it gets at least 40cm maybe a bit bigger and away you go mate... Ed
Thanks Ed, I was going to try that and thought oh maybe i should ask someone so i dont bugger my plant..how much of the base should i take off do you think?
Don't take any of the "base" off! Just cut new growth flush with the base. Do you have a photo? I just want to make sure the new growth is big enough to cut... Ed
Hi Ed, its probalby not big enough yet its probably only around 30 cm so i will leave it a bit longer before i do it. I don't have a photo of it but you said about 40cm so i will leave it until its big enough. Thanks again Tigs
Mark is one of the experts on these and I am surprised he hasn't commented yet, mate. Maybe he is busy. Just thinking about it, you might need to wait till you have actual "timber" on them, but I am not sure. Mark??? Are you in Brissy Tigs? Ed
Can you cut the new shoots with a piece of caudex and make it grow into a new plant? I suppose with exceptional and controlled conditions, it may be possible. I know a few of us have been able to cut the crown off of the caudex and get it to root. My personal bias would be to simply let the new shoots grow from the caudex, resulting in a multiple branched specimen. If you remove the damaged section with a clean cut and seal it, the plant will likely do well. Remember, that "bulb" is not a "bulb". It is actually the base of the trunk. It has adapted itself to growing in arid conditions. The trunk has been modified as a water storage unit to survive long periods without water. Mature specimens look more like trees, albeit with a very thick, swollen, base. Mark