I have a gravenstein and a jonagold also. The last three years the gravenstein hasn't produced much, although the jonagold, which is younger, has done reasonably well. I'm wondering about another tree for a pollinator. What would be good for both trees in my Gibsons area environment?
Both Jonagold and gravenstein are triploid apples, which means their pollen is sterile. Triploids are usually planted with two different diploid cultivars so that all three trees are pollinated . One crabapple blooming at the same time can be substituted for the two diploids. There are some really neat small crabapples available that do the job nicely and take up very little space. A good place to look for these crabs is the Vandusen plant sale, Sunday April 27th. Derry Walsh is there, in the fruit tree section and she would guide you to the perfect mini pollenator!
Idared probably blooms early enough to pollenize Gravenstein. A pollinator would be a honey bee. These terms are easy to get confused.
Blooming times in England appear to be very different for some cultivars; for example, 'Braeburn' and 'Mollie's Delicious' are shown in 'E' pollination group (late), while this website (based in Eastern U.S.) shows these cultivars in the early blooming group.